Key Contributions

Key Contribution


An Appraisal of some problems of achieving fluid man/machine interaction
Ernest Edmonds and John Lee: Proc. European Computing Congress, Online Computing Systems, UK. pp 635-645.


The paper discusses the nature of complex decision making processes and is particularly concerned with those that involve creative thinking. The thesis is put forward that computer aids to such processes should be designed so as to relate the machine’s mode of behaviour to that of the human operator more directly than has been achieved to date. The problem is considered of how a set of suitable programs might be structured to allow users to go through a decision making process flexibly, in a way that resembles a designer’s, or other decision maker’s, normal mode of behaviour. In doing this a range of possible decision making structures is described and their characteristics discussed. Programming techniques are briefly considered. The problems raised in the paper are demonstrated in an example which analyses a design process for the generation of a one person dwelling unit