Key Contributions

Key Contribution


A Process for the Development of Software for Non-Technical Users as an Adaptive System
Ernest Edmonds, General Systems, Vol.XIX, pp.215-218.


The aim of the paper is to describe the process of software development as it often occurs unintentionally, in a way that might make it easier to recognize what is happening. An approach to the problem of controlling the process is indicated, as are the areas where detailed investigation would be necessary in any particular case. The non-technical users that concern us are people who do not write their own programs and do not wish to use the computer for a technical, well defined process. The development of software for such users is often made difficult because one cannot predict just which facilities are the best ones to provide. There may not be an existing system to analyse, and the analyst may not be able to invent one. It is suggested that the solution proposed may also allow users to adapt their methods at the same rate as the development of the software, giving a smooth and well understood change in the system.